By Han Joo-yeob
Merck Korea actively participated and supported the “Joint Korean-German Conference on Future and Technology” in Seoul yesterday, where experts of the two countries held in-depth discussions on the theme, “Future and Technology.”
The conference at the Grand Hyatt Seoul in downtown Seoul, was jointly organized by the Office of Strategic R&D and Planning (OSN) of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Seoul, the Alumni Network Germany-Korea (ADeKo), the Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI) and the Korea Institute of Science & Technology Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP).
As a joint sponsor to the conference, Merck Korea’s Managing Director Michael Grund participated as chair of the “Networks for the Future” session of the conference. The session was devoted to the best practice examples of industry-academia cooperation in Germany and Korea, including the cooperation between the Dresden University of Technology and 20 global partner organizations, and the Julich Aachen Research Alliance’s (JARA) JEDI project. There were also presentations on cooperative projects between Korean companies in Pangyo, Gwanggyo and Ansan Science Valley, and their German partners.
Founded in May, 2008, the Alumni Network German-Korea (ADeKo) is the network of Korean politicians, businessmen and scholars who studied in Germany under the sponsorship of the German Embassy in Korea. ADeKo aims to promote Korean-German relations in the fields of politics, economy, science and technology as well as culture.
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