Hynix Semiconductor (www.hynix.co.kr, CEO Jong-gap Kim) succeeded in developing 1Gb GDDR5 graphics D-ram for the first time in the world.
Hynix said that GDDR5 leads PC graphic and its product cycle would last 6 to 7 years with its expected installment to next generation game player.
The company added that it is meaningful that GDDR5 takes a leading position in graphics D-ram market among GDDR5 products.
The recent developed GDDR5 product boasts the highest capacity in the world and is equipped with the highest speed functionality which can process 20GB data per second.
The speed of the existing GDDR3 is 2.4Gbps in 1 pin while that of GDDR4 is 3Gbps. As for GDDR5, it is optimized for high-end graphic market with its speed of 5Gbps.
And, its power is 1.5V, therefore it can process a large amount of data while maintaining battery use at a minimum level.
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