By Han Joo-yeob
Samsung Electronics’ Galaxy S5 will support MirrorLink, a device interoperability standard that offers integration between mobile devices, and the audio, video and navigation (AVN) system of a car.
The MirrorLink technology will be introduced on the Galaxy S5 with the name Drive Link. MirrorLink was developed by the Car Connectivity Consortium (CCC) in 2011, which is participated in by such automakers as Toyota, Volkswagen, BMW and Hyundai Motor Company, mobile device manufacturers including Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, HTC and Nokia, and over 80 AVN manufacturers such as Sony, Alpine and JVC.
MirrorLink is a technology that enables streaming of the content in smartphones to the AVN system of a car through wired or wireless connection. It supports USB, wireless LAN and Bluetooth technologies. MirrorLink enables us to listen to the music stored in smartphones with the speakers in the car and use the navigation app in the phone on the screen in the AVN system. It also supports hands-free functions. MirrorLink is not much different from Miracast, which is based on the wireless technology, but does not support the video streaming for safety reasons as it was developed for cars.
Samsung Electronics introduced the MirrorLink technology on its Galaxy S3 in 2012 but failed to get good consumer response. The company stopped supporting the app on the Galaxy S4 model phones, which were launched the next year. However, the increasing popularity of ‘smart cars’ has made Samsung reintroduce the technology on the Galaxy 5.
MirrorLink requires the AVN system in the car to support the technology. It is a standard technology but as it needs to share communication code with the car infosystem, its use requires prior consultations with the car manufacturers. Samsung is consulting with Tata Motors of India for the realization of the MirrorLink technology. The company is also reportedly talking with some European and American automakers on cooperation. Whether the Galaxy S5 phones sold in a certain countries will support MirrorLink or not will be dependent upon the result of Samsung’s partnership negotiations.
Apple’s new operating system iOS 7.1, which was rolled out recently, also includes ‘CarPlay,’ which allows iPhones and iPads to interoperate with the AVN system in a car. Ferrari, Mercedes-Benz and Volvo have already adopted the technology in some models. More automakers, such as Hyundai, Kia, Honda, BMW and Ford, will also introduce CarPlay within this year.
Automobiles are becoming a new battlefield of IT companies.
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